Galerie des Modes, 60e Cahier, 5e Figure

Posted by Unknown

Lady of Quality taking the fresh air at the Jardin du Roi. She is in a Hat à l'Anglomane and dressed in a Robe Anglaise.

Furnishings made by Rose Bertin, modiste to the Queen, for the Baronne de Varielle.

"September 14, 1787. - A straw hat lined and covered  with gauze, trimmed with the same, a panache of ostrich plumes, a kerchief of gauze behind, white ribbon ... 84 livres.

"A gauze kerchief en cravatte, and the frill trimmed with blonde of a great height with a spotted tulle ground ... 96 livres.

"A pair of sabot cuffs of the same blonde in two rows, the bodies in crêpe, their bastard blonde on the reverse ... 90 livres.

"Total ... 270 livres."

Dossiers Bertin (Doucet Library)