Galerie des Modes, 7e Cahier, 6e Figure

Posted by Unknown

Child's governess in the home of People of Quality. (1778)

Another character Drawing, in the dress of a child's Governess in the home of people of quality.  Caraco of Indian taffeta, with matching petticoat, the whole trimmed in box pleats of the same material; sabot-cuffed sleeves, having a head of gauze resembling short manchettes or bonshommes.

Large muslin apron, with a trimmed pocket and a busquée bib* in the shape of a semi-circle, in the style of a maid's clothing.

Coiffure on a racine droite, with four curls; pouf cap à papillon pleated en gouleau;* ribbon wrapped around it,** pinched at the front of the head by a black brush, with two bouillonné bands on top.

The position of this governess prevents one from seeing her fine leg; her breast is lily-white, and a ruffled handkerchief covers it; but it can be found by Lubin.

* Unknown meaning.
** "formante le turban"